
defaultDropAction Property

Gets sets default action which should occur when source element was dropped on target. A constant of Infragistics.Web.UI.DragDropAction
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function get_defaultDropAction() : Integer
function set_defaultDropAction(value : Integer)
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfDragDropBehavior.get_defaultDropAction();
The value of None means that application should implement drop action. Otherwise, action will depend on get_dragDropEffect() of DragDropManager. If dragDropEffect is Copy and value is set to Append, then the copy/clone of source element will be appended to target. If dragDropEffect is Copy and value is set to Insert, then the copy/clone of source element will be inserted in the target as first child. If dragDropEffect is Move and value is set to Append, then source element will be removed from it original location and appended to target. If dragDropEffect is Move and value is set to Insert, then source element will be removed from it original location and inserted into target as first child. So, source element can be dragged and dropped on another target.
See Also